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The New Man: Embodying the Divine Masculine.

Humanity is now facing the hard truths of what meant to be living under the dictatorial rule of patriarchal society. It's not clear when patriarchy started, but what's obvious is that everyone is suffering the consequences. Old patterns no longer serve anyone. As a result, men lost touch with whom and what we really are, being perhaps the most traumatic, the loss of intimacy from childhood to adulthood. Traumatic because the lack of touch with out most intimate parts affect negatively the relationships with have with the self, other men, women, children and the rest of world. The resources to change this reality and move into the new man that the world is in so much need of are available. 

If the significance of loss of intimacy is not clear, it means that as we don't know who we are, we cannot be understood by anyone. It keeps feeding a deep personal trauma that we ourselves do not reach to comprehend, as men continue defending at all cost an identity based on false beliefs. It's the discord between what we feel, what we express and what we do that aggravates the trauma, until individuals no longer feel or know who they are, sometimes with grave or fatal consequences.

Perhaps the most relevant mirror in which men had to look into, having the most effect in the changes that are about to take place is the #metoo campaign, which has awoken the world to the truth of a reality that everyone knew about, but no one talked about. Masculinity has been shaken to its foundations, and while there were already a large number of men creating and promoting change, the wave of anger and discontent has taken us all unprepared. One of the best ways to support this change, now unavoidable, is to immerse in male intimacy, a field that has been plagued by obsolete beliefs and patterns of behaviour that cannot longer be the basis of a healthy proposal, not only in relationships with women and the world, but in the relationship that men have with ourselves. 

Intimacy as an agent of change.

The importance of understanding men in intimacy in all our relationships: the one we have with the self, women, children and the world, will allow men to propose the foundation of a new society. No longer men have to do it alone, as the equal vote and contribution of women has become essential to create a world that serves the needs of everyone. 

In order to be able to know what these changes are, we have to get to know ourselves intimately, to know what inspire us, what we truly want, what triggers us, so as to understand why we've led the life we have, and most importantly, to rediscover every positive quality and attribute of masculinity we have not been able, neither to nurture, nor to express under the false and interested mandate of patriarchy. 

Patriarchy doesn't have a mother.

Let's understand patriarchy as an absent father figure pushing throughout the centuries using only the toxic elements of masculinity that so much devastation has caused to men, women, children and society as a whole. Let's also see it as an invisible force functioning on unwritten rules that have been followed, as humanity remained dormant before the constant threat of fear and the distraction that represents to make ends meet in an unethical world where there never seems to be enough for everyone. With the threat of scarcity constantly hovering over our heads, it's almost impossible to allocate time to engage in those important matters that would have made men wonderful human beings. 

One of the consequences that men had to face in patriarchal society has been that it didn't allow us to get to know ourselves intimately, as it denied the much necessary energetic balance in every human being. For centuries, men have been encouraged to be providers, with the image of the hunter/gatherer being promoted until no longer holds true meaning, nor makes any sense. We live in a society, which has enough technological advances to provide for the wellbeing of everyone, only denied by the illusion of the rat race by which everyone is absorbed. We grew up in a society of disempowered mothers.

The illusion led men to having to do everything within their power to find jobs that pay enough. Enough having lost its meaning also. There always seem to be need for more. During this period, society has lost values and/or any resemblance of morals. It gets worse! Most of these professional positions come with status attached to them, as well as a false sense of identity in order to be enough. No matter what the game is, the precarious state of the professional environment devours self-confidence and our sense of being.

Before learning the new ways, we have to be aware of the old, negative patterns and how have affected us.

Society's demands on perfection, productivity and most recently image puts an unnecessary pressure on everybody, successfully targeting our core: the heart and everything that it represents. It's no wonder that men, and more women compete against each other day by day, removing every sign of being humane. Being human or a good person is not encouraged. These days Utopia has been reduced to living from the heart, and who knows, maybe Utopia has always been just that: living from the heart. 

It's the dehumanisation of humanity, and sadly; we're all buying into it. 

The proposal to change this force, which now seems unstoppable, is simple and much easier to achieve than what we've been led to believe. Every man is a leader. If we have not seen it represented before, is because leadership has been defined by beliefs and qualities that only served the system and submitted others at the same time.

Change occurs when doing something differently. never 'if' we do it differently. That men are as fed up and exhausted of living under the dictate of a patriarchal society that only feeds the needs of those based at the top of the hierarchical system is a reality. The problem with this, as well as the reason why it has not changed it's because we've believed for too long that the same people who benefit from our hard work, energy and efforts are the ones who will bring healthy and responsible solutions to create a society in which everyone enjoys wellbeing. It's time to take initiative and to follow through. 

Embodying the divine masculine:

Men have good reasons to seek change, so as to find our place in the world. As children, we didn't want to grow up to live under a hard, fictitious shell that in appearance in may prevent us from harm, but that at the same time doesn't allow us to express who we really are. Most boys, and now men, do not want to become the standard man that society promotes, and which is shaped in most cases due to peer pressure, molding our character through repetitive experience and a society that wants us all to be the same. 

The proposal here and now is a personalised course in order to unlearn the old, and replace it with the new. During this personalised process the individual would be able to learn how education, culture, relationships and an old set of beliefs and patterns have contributed to cram their lives with disempowering obstacles, as well as how to develop a course that serves their immediate and long term needs. 

This course is available for men, women, as well as couples interesting in growing both together and individually. One of the obstacles that women face in relationships is not understanding their male partners, as in why the act as they do, while at the same time seeing their true potential, but not knowing how to encourage change. 

The study and implementation of the Divine Masculine is intended to explore the good and positive qualities that holds, as a powerful transformational tool. It´s never too late to grow personally, and contrary to popular belief, people do change. The embodiment of the divine masculine is also a process full of surprises, as men do experience not only a positive change towards the self, but discover long time dormant qualities within, and the pertinent effect that has on themselves, their relationships and the world. 

For information on this course, please write to: 

More information on the Divine Masculine

The book 'Reuniting with the Twin Flame' is now available on Amazon. Dealing with dynamics and a detailed exploration of the twin flame relationship, the content is exclusive to the book and cannot be found on this blog. 

For soul readings, visit this link. or contact me directly 


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