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Connecting the Dots to Move Forward in Life.

Connecting the dots is essential for in personal development and find solutions in life. Everything that is needed for transformation is already in life's experience or it can be recreated.  Søren Kierkegaard said that "life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forward.  Past traumas, experiences and memories condition an individual's life narrative phsychologically, emotionally and physically, creating their character and personality, influencing thoughts, emotions, habits, beliefs, attitude and the entire spectrum of what a person becomes.  It does affect the relationship with the self, as well as the ones with others. Connecting the dots could prove a difficult task, as the story is being told repeatedly. A simple memory can trigger the same effect. Memories are stored in the body as energy. Fifty per cent of what's remembered is not actually the truth. As time passes by, stories are embellished, details added, making the energy stored more powerfu...

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